First Sunday in Advent
Divine Service, Setting One, with Holy Communion at 10:30AM
Streaming of the service begins at 10:15 AM
Jeremiah 33:14–16; Psalm 25:1–10; 1 Thessalonians 3:9–13; Luke 19:28–40
Join the Festivities this Saturday, November 30, 2024, at 9 AM as we DECORATE the church for Christmas!
Advent Services begin this Wednesday December 4 at 7PM; and continue each Wednesday in Advent .
Come Hear the Children! as they present the sermon on Sunday December 15, 2024!
The Altar Guild has ordered 20 red poinsettias in 6” pots ( same size as last year)to beautify our altar at Christmas. Each plant will be $9,00. A sign up sheet will be posted in the narthex. As last year if you want more than one, please use the same number of lines, ie 2 plants - 2 lines, etc. checks should be made out to Concordia with "poinsettias” noted on the check. If paid by cash please use church envelope and note on cover “ poinsettia”.
Thank you, the Altar Guild
We received thankful acknowledgements of our quarterly financial gifts from Ministry of Caring and the Southeastern District.
200 Nativities on display in Claymont, De. on December 14 from Noon to 6 PM, and 15th 10 AM - 4 PM. Invitation from Church of the Ascension in Claymont 3717 Philadelphia Pike. Donations of non perishable food items invited.
Free concert on December 13 at Cab Calloway School. A quartet of students (including Reuben) will perform.
SUNDAY Snacks with coffee - Thanks to all those who signed up to bring snacks. Please contact Lilly if you have questions or would like to help (think 'clean up').
-December 1 - Rosemary Stormer
-December 8 -
-December 15 - Sharon Cornell
Altar Flowers - today's altar flowers are presented by Susan and Tom Fuesler “In thanksgiving to God for Dalaie, and for her musical gifts, which enrich our worship of Him!”
“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth.” Psalm 96:1
Sign up for altar flowers on the signup sheet outside Library bulletin board. Each bouquet is $20 and payment should be marked 'altar flowers' and date dedicated.
Sunday School - Classes for all age groups. Adult Bible class continues at 9:15 AM. We are reading Revelation in the adult class. BELL Choir Rehearsal: returns at 9:20AM. Our Director of Music Dalaie Choi, has returned!
Tuesday - Bible Study is now studying Matthew. We meet at 1 PM in the Mueller room at church.
Wednesday - Handmade Prayers (Prayer Shawl Ministry) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10 AM in Mueller Library.
Thursday - Men's Bible Breakfast (MBB) meets on Thursday mornings at 8 AM via zoom. The format is discussion of the Lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday. For more information email Dan Good.
Luncheon - Our next Fellowship potluck will be December 8th after our service. This will be truly a POTLUCK. YOU decide what you would like to bring. No particular theme. As always, drinks and chips will be provided. I can't wait to see what will be on the table. Will it be meatballs? Will it be a hot dish? Will it be hot dogs and beans? Will it be sandwiches? Let's find out together. A sign up sheet will be passed around. Please sign up and enjoy some time together.
Cookies - Welcome to the season of Advent. Lots of activities are happening at Concordia - one of which is the Children's Program on December 15th. This is the same day as our Congregational Meeting after service. Let's celebrate our children and our end-of-year Congregational Meeting by bringing a plate of cookies on December 15th. Thank you for everything you are doing to support these events.
Blessings, Lilly Derrickson
We had a wonderful potluck on November 17th after service. All the Italian dishes, sides and desserts offered up were absolutely delicious!!! There was great conversation and fellowship. I'd like to thank everyone who worked so hard to set up, prepare food, and clean up afterward. Praise God for this blooming ministry.
To whom do we address our prayers? we pray ONLY to the one true God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (and not to idols, ancestors, saints, angels, or anything else that Go has created)
We pray 'in Jesus' name--that is, Through Faith in Christ in accordance with His will.
What does it mean when we pray "Hallowed by Thy name"? God's name is holy IN ITSELF, but we pray that it may be kept holy among us also.
How is God's name kept holy? God's name is kept holy when the Word of God is taught in its truth and purity, and we, as the children of God, also lead holy lives according to it. Help us to do this, dear Father in heaven!
But anyone who teaches or lives contrary to God's Word profanes the name of God among us. Protect us from this heavenly Father!
Lutheran Talk and Music App - You can listen to Lutheran talk and music 24/7, anytime, anywhere with the free Lutheran Public Radio app. You can download for your cell phone at the App Store, Google Play or at, or go to their mobilized websites: and
Checkout the podcast Tangible, too. Scholarly insight on a variety of issues that make faith real–tangible. Search for it on your podcast app.
Sunday School - Classes by age group begin at 9:15.
Sunday Adult Bible - Meets in the Mueller Room at 9:15. We are now reading Revelation.
Weekday Bible Study - We meet on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM with Pastor Dave. We are studying Matthew.
Men's Breakfast Bible Study - This group meets on Thursday at 8:00 A.M. to study the readings from the lectionary for the coming Sunday. For more information contact Dan Good.
Faithful Servants,
Some of the lyrics of a favorite hymn are, Give thanks with a grateful heart. A special thank you to all who prepared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to help feed the hungry and needy people of Wilmington at The Emmanuel Dining Room during this Thanksgiving week. Both Concordia s congregation and Preschool families provided over 200 sandwiches and even donated a number of small turkeys for this month's serving.
Your thankfulness and grateful hearts are evident each month as you share the fruits of your faith with those less fortunate. Jesus says, Love your neighbor. You most certainly do.
God's blessings to all and a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day.
George and Dale
Casseroles are needed again for the 27th of December; Concordia's day to serve EDR! Help feed people who are hungry by making a casserole or brownies for EDR! Recipe (Click).
As a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that sends donated clothing, shoes, medical and other needed items to people in need. We meet Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m.–1:30 p.m. to sort and pack donations for shipping. Our location is the warehouse next to the Dansko outlet: 8 Federal Rd, West Grove, PA, 19390.
Read all about OGT on the bulletin board by the library, or visit our webpage for hours of operation, the latest updates, and to review the full list of materials our recipients need most. Donated items may be placed in the closet in All Saints' Hall (to the right as you enter the room). Contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen with any questions. Hard to imagine how exciting it is for those who receive our 'throw aways / I don't need this anymore' possessions – we are so blessed! If you have questions please contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen.
OGT NEWS Updates - Go to the SERVICE tab at the top and click on Orphan Grain Train.
Meals on Wheels - Serving our community meals during the last full week of each month (November 25-29, 2024). The time commitment is usually 1 1/2 hrs. (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM). Please contact Susan Fuesler or email the office at Meals are picked up at Silverside Church with directions for delivery route. Please consider volunteering; you will bless others and be greatly blessed as well!
Handmade Prayers - Next meeting December 11, 2024 in the Mueller Library. This is a working meeting so bring your yarn projects! We welcome anyone that is interested in crocheting or knitting to join us. If you know someone that is in need of a gift from us, please let us know.
Online Giving is Available – Click HERE. Let us thank Jesus that He continues to provide for us! Offerings can be set up through your bank or your credit card. Questions related to financial giving can be addressed to
Offerings – Please help the counters: by writing your name on your envelope or attaching an address label.