October 20-26, 2024

The Tweny-Second Sunday in Pentecost

 Divine Service with Holy Communion (Setting Three) begins at 10:30am 

Streaming of the service begins at 10:15 AM 

Attendance for October 13, 29, 2024 (78)

Ecclesiastes 5:10-20; Psalm 119:9-16; Hebrews 4:1-13; Mark 10:23-31

High School Youth - Saturday October 26, 2024 6:30pm - 9:00pm Pizza and Movie night for Junior/Senior High Youth! Please RSVP to Ashley via text at 856-803-4513! Food and drinks will be provided. 



 POTLUCK Sunday, October 20th immediately following the Divine service. Don't worry if you forgot to make something to bring.  There is always more than enough food. PIZZA.  cheese PIZZA.  pepperoni PIZZA. sausage PIZZA.

Please bring a friend, family member, neighbor, coworker - everyone is welcome.         

SUNDAY Snacks with coffee - Thanks to all those who signed up to bring snacks. Please contact Lilly if you have questions or would like to help (think 'clean up').

-October 20 - Potluck

-October 27 - Rosemary Stormer

-November 3

-November 10                          


Ushers Needed - Rosemary Stormer is still waiting!!! Please say yes if someone asks you personally!  

Altar Flowers - This week's altar flowers are offered by Lilly Derrickson. Altar flower signups are available most Sundays in September,  to honor or celebrate a loved one/friend. Flower signup sheet is located in hallway outside Mueller Library. Each bouquet is $20 and payment should be marked 'altar flowers' and date dedicated.

Sunday School - Classes for all age groups. Adult Bible class continues at 9:15 AM. BELL Choir Rehearsal: returns at 9:20AM. Our Director of Music Dalaie Choi, will be returning; we pray for her healing and speedy return.

Tuesday - Bible Study is now studying Matthew. We meet at 1 PM  in the Mueller Room at church.

Wednesday - Handmade Prayers (Prayer Shawl Ministry) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10 AM in Mueller Library.

Thursday - Men's Bible Breakfast (MBB) meets on Thursday mornings at 8 AM via zoom. The format is discussion of the Lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday. For more information email Dan Good.



LCMS Disaster Response and local Lutherans are walking alongside those suffering in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina from the ravages of Hurricane Helene. We pray for their recovery mentally and physically. 

The Church Year and the daily practices of the faith help us notice Christ’s presence in our daily lives, encouraging us to engage all our senses. . . .     

There are no “Super Christians.” “It’s too late; I should already have done these practices. I won’t do them consistently. There will be times I just don’t want to.” Realize that faltering in our prayers is itself part of the cycle — it’s even mentioned in our rite of private confession. The Lord knows we won’t keep any practice faithfully. But He is faithful, and that’s the point. It’s never ever too late to watch Him being faithful as He guides our vines growing up and up, around and around.

Bible Verse of the Month: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) excerpt from Lutheran Witness


Lutheran Talk and Music App - You can listen to Lutheran talk and music 24/7, anytime, anywhere with the free Lutheran Public Radio app.  You can download for your cell phone at the App Store, Google Play or at, or go to their mobilized websites: and

Sunday School - Classes by age group begin at 9:15.

Sunday Adult Bible - Meets in the Mueller Room at 9:15. We are now reading Revelation. 

Weekday Bible Study - We meet on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM with Pastor Dave.  We are studying Matthew.  

Men's Breakfast Bible Study - This group meets on Thursday at 8:00 A.M. to study the readings from the lectionary for the coming Sunday. For more information contact Dan Good. 


Faithful Servants,

On Friday, September 27th, Concordia Lutheran Church and Preschool had the privilege to follow the words of Jesus to “feed My sheep.”  And we did so in feeding 190 hungry people of Wilmington at the Emmanuel Dining Room. It just goes to prove the words of Helen Keller who wrote, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Thanks again to all the casserole makers and brownie bakers and to Don Kummer, Kathy Curtis, Fred Abel, and Olivia Wyckoff for preparing and serving at the Dining Room.

Well done, good and faithful servants

George and Dale

Help feed people who are  hungry by making a casserole or brownies for EDR!  Recipe (Click).   


As a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that sends donated clothing, shoes, medical and other needed items to people in need. We meet Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m.–1:30 p.m. to sort and pack donations for shipping. Our location is the warehouse next to the Dansko outlet: 8 Federal Rd, West Grove, PA, 19390. 

Read all about OGT on the bulletin board by the library, or visit our webpage for hours of operation, the latest updates, and to review the full list of materials our recipients need most. Donated items may be placed in the closet in All Saints' Hall (to the right as you enter the room). Contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen with any questions. Hard to imagine how exciting it is for those who receive our 'throw aways / I don't need this anymore' possessions – we are so blessed! If you have questions please contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen.

Would You Give $5 to Help Someone in Need?

This October, Orphan Grain Train will again participate in Boscov's “Friends Helping Friends” fundraiser by offering a 25% discount shopping pass (on nearly all store items) in exchange for a $5 donation. Last year we raised just over $4,800 with the help of a matching grant – will you help us make that goal again?

Sale event details:
Date:             Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – ONE DAY ONLY
Time:             8 am – 11 pm
Locations:     Any of Boscov’s 50 stores, and online
More Info:
How do I get a pass from OGT?

Carla will have passes available one more Sunday. . . .10/ 20. 

Also, on October 22nd, OGT volunteers will offer passes and share literature in five local Boscov stores: 

-Delaware: Christiana and Dover Malls 

-Pennsylvania: Neshaminy, Exton, and Granite Run Malls

Shopping is not a requirement!

Please consider making a $5 donation to help others in need. 

Share this opportunity with others to help support OGT. 

Thank you! 

Carla Niesen

Note: OGT uses over 98% of its funding for missions, earning a 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator.

OGT NEWS Updates - Go to the SERVICE tab at the top and click on Orphan Grain Train

Meals on Wheels - Serving our community meals during the last full week of each month (October 28-November 1, 2024). The time commitment is usually 1 1/2 hrs. (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM). Please contact Susan Fuesler or email the office at Meals are picked up at Silverside Church with directions for delivery route. Please consider volunteering; you will bless others and be greatly blessed as well!  

Handmade Prayers - Next meeting November 13, 2024 in the Mueller Library. This is a working meeting so bring your yarn projects! We welcome anyone that is interested in crocheting or knitting to join us. If you know someone that is in need of a gift from us, please let us know. 

LCS-Concordia Walktoberfest - This year's committee met to evaluate the first Walktoberfest-the 34th year of the original LCS Walk-Run. The committee has chosen the date for next year's 2nd Walktoberfest: September 20, 2025. Mark your calendars and plan around this special time for our congregation to serve our community with LCS.


Online Giving is Available – Click HERE. Let us thank Jesus that He continues to provide for us! Offerings can be set up through your bank or your credit card. Questions related to financial giving can be addressed to Please help the counters: by writing your name on your envelope or attaching an address label.                                                                                                                                                                                                    
