Thanks be to God!


  July 27 - August 3, 2024

The Tenth Sunday in Pentecost

 Divine Service-Setting Four

Streaming of the service begins at 9:15 AM 


We gather for the Divine Service on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Lectionary Readings: 

Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 136:1-9, 26, Ephesians 3:14-21; Mark 6:45-56


Attendance for July 14, 2024 – 76


Pastor Kummer will be on vacation from August 5 - 16th

Both Rev. Thress (Circuit Visitor and Pastor of Faith Lutheran church in Bear, DE) and Rev. Jeremy Loesch (Pastor of Our Redeemer in Newark, DE have agreed to assist with pastoral care while Pastor Dave is away. 

Rev. Peter Mueller will preside for our  worship service on August 11.   

If you need pastoral care while pastor is gone, please call Jody Bacher, VP Deacons or President Leanne Bier. They will help you coordinate care. Their phone numbers are listed under the "Members" page which is password-protected. If you need a password, please email pastor. 

Snacks with coffee - Thanks to all those who signed up to bring snacks. Please contact Lilly if you have questions or would like to help.

-July 28 - Sharon Weaver

-August 4 - Sharon Cornell

-August 11 -MaryBeth Rigby

-August 18

-August 31 

Concordia Saturday at The OGT WarehouseAugust 3rd from 9am - 1:30pm - Join our regular volunteers and experience firsthand how we support neighbors in need. At the West Grove warehouse you will take a brief tour of the facility, participate in sorting and packing material aid for shipping, and enjoy Capriotti’s subs for lunch (our treat!) with a devotion during the break. Location: 8 Federal Rd, West Grove, PA, 19390. (About 12 miles west of Longwood Gardens.) Contact Carla with questions: 610-909-9642.


Altar Flowers - Today's altar flowers are given by Debbie Smith to praise Jesus.                                                                                                                                                       

August 11 and 18 are available for dedication or celebration. Flower signup sheet is located in hallway outside Mueller Library. Each bouquet is $20 and payment should be marked 'altar flowers' and date dedicated.

Sunday - Sunday School is on vacation; Adult Bible class continues at 8:15 AM. Choir Rehearsal: returns this fall. Please see Dalaie if you wish to provide musical praise of any kind for our services.

Tuesday - Bible Study continues to study the Acts of the Apostles at 1 PM  in the Mueller Room at church.

Wednesday - Handmade Prayers (Prayer Shawl Ministry) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10 AM in Mueller Library.

Thursday - Men's Bible Breakfast (MBB) is breaking for the summer; expecting to reconvene in September. The format has been discussion of the Lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday. For more information email Dan Good.


POTLUCK last Sunday after church was enjoyed by all who attended. Special goodness in the deserts!! We are grateful God has blessed our land with an abundance of food. 

We Pray - all through the day, whenever and wherever, we talk to God as we would to our 'Daddy'

How about This? from Martin Luther's 'A Simple Way to Pray'. "We must see to it that we do not lose the habit of prayer and deceive ourselves into thinking that other kinds of things are more important, when they are not. Then we might become careless and lazy, cold and indifferent when it comes to praying. The devil is neither lazy nor lax in our midst. Besides, our flesh is not too eager and desirous but is disinclined to the spirit of prayer.  

And from C.S.Lewis:

Satan: "I will cause anxiety, fear and panic. I will shutdown business, schools, places of worship and sports events. I will cause economic turmoil."

Jesus: "I will bring together neighbors, restore the family unit, I will bring dinner back to the kitchen table. I will help people slow down their lives and appreciate what really matters. I will teach my children to rely on me and not the world. I will teach my children to trust me and not their  money and material resources."

Saturday Morning Fellowship - The doors open around 9AM for those who wish to bring their morning beverage and snack/ breakfast to drink and nibble and chat and get to know each other.  Of course all Concordians are invited, as well as any neighbors or associates you may want to invite. Feel free to bring a snack to share.  


Lutheran Talk and Music App - You can listen to Lutheran talk and music 24/7, anytime, anywhere with the free Lutheran Public Radio app.  You can download for your cell phone at the App Store, Google Play or at, or go to their mobilized websites: and

Sunday School - Classes will resume after summer vacation.

Sunday Adult Bible - Meets in the Mueller Room at 8:15. We are reading Matthew

Weekday Bible Study - We meet on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM with Pastor Dave.  We are reading The Acts of the Apostles.  

Men's Breakfast Bible Study - The group meets on Thursday at 8:00 A.M. to study the readings from the lectionary for the coming Sunday. For more information contact Dan Good. This group is currently on break with planned start up again in the fall.


We hope you all had a great Fourth of July celebration and we are now looking forward to our next potluck/fellowship potluck at Concordia. We are truly blessed personally and also as a  congregation, but let's remember the food challenged residents of Wilmington who may not be so blessed; relying on Concordia and other local churches to provide hot lunches. We are in need of casseroles and brownies before the 27th of this month. Please have your contributions in the freezer by July 25th  (thursday this week). Please remember that preschool does not bake brownies during the summer months.

In addition we are looking for servers. Since July 27th is a Saturday (non-working day) please consider offering your services in this joyful endeavor. The picture speaks for itself; its not hard to tell the ladies are having fun.                      thank you, George and Dale   

Help fed the hungry by making a casserole or brownies for EDR!  Recipe (Click).   



As a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that sends donated clothing, shoes, medical and other needed items to people in need. We meet Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m.–1:30 p.m. to sort and pack donations for shipping. Our location is the warehouse next to the Dansko outlet: 8 Federal Rd, West Grove, PA, 19390. 

Read all about OGT on the bulletin board by the library, or visit our webpage for hours of operation, the latest updates, and to review the full list of materials our recipients need most. Donated items may be placed in the closet in All Saints' Hall (to the right as you enter the room). Contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen with any questions. Hard to imagine how exciting it is for those who receive our 'throw aways / I don't need this anymore' possessions – we are so blessed! If you have questions please contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen.

Concordia Saturday at The OGT WarehouseAugust 3rd  9am-1:30pm - Join our regular volunteers and experience firsthand how we support neighbors in need. At the West Grove warehouse you will take a brief tour of the facility, participate in sorting and packing material aid for shipping, and enjoy Capriotti’s subs for lunch (our treat!) with a devotion during the break. Location: 8 Federal Rd, West Grove, PA, 19390. (About 12 miles west of Longwood Gardens.) Contact Carla with questions: 610-909-9642.

OGT NEWS Updates - Go to the SERVICE tab at the top and click on Orphan Grain Train

Meals on Wheels - Serving our community meals (THIS WEEK) during the last full week of each month (July 22-26, 2024). The time commitment is usually 1 1/2 hrs. (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM). Please contact Susan Fuesler or email the office at Meals are picked up at Silverside Church with directions for delivery route. Please consider volunteering; you will bless others and be greatly blessed as well!  

Handmade Prayers - Next meeting August 14, 2024 in the Mueller Library. This is a working meeting so bring your yarn projects! We welcome anyone that is interested in crocheting or knitting to join us. If you know someone that is in need of a gift from us, please let us know. For more details, contact Lynn Good. 


Online Giving is Available – Click HERE. Let us thank Jesus that He continues to provide for us! Offerings can be set up through your bank or your credit card. Questions related to financial giving can be addressed to Please help the counters: by writing your name on your envelope or attaching an address label.                                                                                                                                                                                                    
